Although I have a sensitivity to gluten, I have found that I am able to digest many sources of original wheat. Aside from this, I prefer original grains for a few reasons.

First, they are just that, grains that have been around for hundreds of years and have not been hybridized or genetically modified. Some original grains, such as oats are naturally gluten free. But others, such as Spelt and Einkorn are types of wheat that do contain gluten, but are sometimes tolerated better in those who have a gluten sensitivity not a gluten allergy. Those who are allergic to gluten should stay with gluten free grains only!

Secondly, as the awareness grows about the abundance genetically modified foods in our food supply, the public has begun to look for sources of original grains. Therefore, original grains are easier to find in food stores. I have found multiple natural food stores that carry Einkorn pasta and Einkorn flour, Oat flour, Spelt pasta and Spelt flour. These original grains are naturally much higher in protein and fiber than the common grains in our food supply.